Our History
Our History and growth
Dr. Felke Associate Dean for Academics Marieb College of Health & Human Services, Florida Gulf Coast University presented research that indicated a need for a Senior Center in Bonita:

Important Facts
-2 significant pockets of senior poverty in Bonita Springs within 3 miles of Old Library building (Imperial Harbor and East of Old 41 Rd.)
-Increase of 141.8% predicted for the age 75 and over in Lee County
-48.9% increase in seniors 75 yrs old and over in Bonita Springs by 2040
-Poverty age 60 and over increases in both Lee and Collier Counties by 32.6%
-Large percentage increase of 88.4% in households over 60 in Lee County that qualify for SNAP program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
-Some correlation between census tracts with high concentrations of poverty and those with high concentrations of SNAP benefit receipt
-1 in 12 seniors had limited access to food (2013)
-Food insecure seniors consume fewer key nutrients and are more likely to develop adverse health conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart problems
Focus Group Demographics: Age 60+, primarily female, mostly full time residents, majority retired, Race/Ethnicity is 59.4% white /Caucasians; 42.9% married, 32.1% widowed; 19.6% Divorced
-Identified Problems: 57.4% Physical health
32.0% Feelings of Isolation or loneliness
31.3% Too few activities or feeling bored
30.0% Difficulty performing everyday activities
22.4% Financial problems
21.7% Providing care for another person
Programs Most Requested By Seniors
Recreational 41.7%
Wellness 35.7%
Adult Education 35.7%
General perceived weaknesses of life in SWFL by Seniors:
-lack of communication regarding programs and services and seniors not being recognized as a population of need.
-concerns over affordable housing.